Thursday, March 27, 2008

thoughtful mind, empty stomach

It always takes me forever to start writing a blog. i have to sit and think about what i am willing to share, how to phrase it, and then after i get about a paragraph done i erase it. because somehow it's never right. even now it has taken me three tries to get this far. I've discovered it's because i don't think I'm as intelligent, well educated or as eloquent as those who will read my blog and that somehow I'm being judged on the quality of my blog. i know that sounds absurd and I'm not trying to get down on myself. i guess I'm just a perfectionist and if it can't be perfect, then i won't do it. my own editor you could say. which is funny because i blurt out everything that comes to my brain when I'm talking.

it's funny the thoughts you have when you haven't eaten yet and it's getting to be late afternoon.

1 comment:

Patti said...

I know exactly how you feel. When I'm hungry, nothing else seems to matter. At least you didn't have to eat at Costa Vida or IHOP...or did you?